Business ID: 0641212-9
VAT-number: FI06412129
⚠️Yritys on aktiivinen, mutta ei ennakkoperintärekisterissä eikä ALV-rekisterissä
Maaherrankatu 15-19, 70100 Kuopio
Asunto Oy Kuopion Neulasyppi (0641212-9) is a company founded in 1987, which is located in Kuopio. The main industry of the company is Asuntojen ja asuinkiinteistöjen hallinta.
Official name: Asunto Oy Kuopion Neulasyppi
Company form: Asunto-osakeyhtiö
Year of foundation: 1987
Domicile city: Kuopio
Official language: fi
Industry: Asuntojen ja asuinkiinteistöjen hallinta
Official address: Maaherrankatu 15-19, 70100 Kuopio
Website: Not declared
E-invoicing addresses are only available for registered users. Sign-up is free of charge.
Register / LoginTrade Register: (10.07.1986)
Tax Administration's register: (12.01.1987)
Employer Register: Not registered
Prepayment register: Not registered
VAT register: Not registered
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