Search service for company information

Company Search

Kontakto is a comprehensive company catalog which includes all registered entities in Finland. The search console is free to use.

Why Kontakto?


No ads

We don't finance our service by selling your personal information or by displaying ads.



Thanks to latest technology, our service is fastest in the market.


E-invoicing Addresses

E-invoicing addresses are displayed right next to other company information.

Registering to the service


E-invoicing addresses are displayed right next to other company information.


Registering is free and does not bind you to anything.


We constantly developing new features. In the future, we will be offering paid services for retrieving information about companies.


Application Programming Interface

You can connect Kontakto's search service to your own system using an easy-to-use interface. The interface enables data to be filled in real time, thanks to which the end user's user experience is better, and the data is always saved correctly. There is a charge for using the interface.

Read More About our API